Esempi di Automazione

Classifica un documento sulla base di attributi personalizzati

#set($templateDAO = $ContextTool.getBean('TemplateDAO'))

# retrieve the template that will be assigned to the document
#set($privateTemp = $templateDAO.findByName('TaxLienServicing'))

# store the document's path into the variable T_Path

# get a couple of custom attributes from the document

# Now inspect the value of the DT-LegacyWebLT attribute to move the file to the proper folder
  $"Reclassify triggered but no new document type selected");
#elseif ($T_NewType=="Payoff Requests Quotes")
  #set ($T_NewFG="Call Center - Payoff Requests Quotes")
  # set the correct template and update a custom attribute
  # make the changes persisten into the database
  # move to a target folder caclulated dynamically

  # exit the procedure
#elseif (($T_NewType=="Lockbox Backup") || ($T_NewType=="2 day letters"))
  #set ($T_NewFG="Payment Processing - Lockbox")
#elseif ($T_NewType=="TN Reconciliation")
  #set ($T_NewFG="Payment Processing - Reconciliation")
#elseif ($T_NewType=="TX Loan")
  #set ($T_NewFG="Payment Processing - Texas Loans")
#elseif ($T_NewType=="RIE")
  #set ($T_NewFG="Payment Processing - Received In Error")
#elseif ($T_NewType=="Checks")
  #set ($T_NewFG="Payment Processing - Refunds")
#elseif ($T_NewType=="Client Reports" ||  $T_NewType=="Reconciliation")
  #set ($T_NewFG="Reporting")
  $"Not in main $document.fileName");

$"Running 2")
#if ($T_NewType=="Proof of Purchase")  
  #set ($T_NewFG="Custodial - Imports")
#elseif ($T_NewType=="Redemption Notice" || $T_NewType=="Verification Request" || $T_NewType=="Redemption Packet" || $T_NewType=="Redemption Affidavit")
  #set ($T_NewFG="Custodial - Redemption Processing")
#elseif ($T_NewType=="Lien Release")
  #set ($T_NewFG="Custodial - Release Processing")
#elseif ($T_NewType=="Certs-Received, Not Processed" || $T_NewType=="Certs-Stickered and Recorded" || $T_NewType=="Certs-Stickered Only" || $T_NewType=="Deed")
  #set ($T_NewFG="Custodial - Collateral Management")
#elseif ($T_NewType=="Assignment Form" || $T_NewType=="List of Property")
  #set ($T_NewFG="Custodial - Lien Assignment Packets")
  $"Not in Reclassify2 $document.fileName");

$"Running 3")
#if ($T_NewType=="Hello Letters" || $T_NewType=="Goodbye Letters" || $T_NewType=="Demand Letter" || $T_NewType=="Collection Letter" || $T_NewType=="General Collection Letter" || $T_NewType=="Annual Notice" || $T_NewType=="Take Notices" || $T_NewType=="Extension Letter" || $T_NewType=="10 Day Notice")
  #set ($T_NewFG="Asset Management - Noticing")
#elseif ($T_NewType=="Notice of Filing" || $T_NewType=="Notice of Hearing" || $T_NewType=="Notice of Discharge" || $T_NewType=="Notice of Dismissal" || $T_NewType=="Proof of Claim" || $T_NewType=="Motion to Lift Stay" || $T_NewType=="Motion to Appoint Trustee" || $T_NewType=="Motion to Dismiss" || $T_NewType=="Debtor's Motion to Extend Exclusive Period"|| $T_NewType=="Disclosure Statement" || $T_NewType=="Confirmed Plan" || $T_NewType=="Reorganization Plan" || $T_NewType=="Objections to Plan")
  #set ($T_NewFG="Asset Management - Bankruptcy")
#elseif ($T_NewType=="Project Status Report")
  #set ($T_NewFG="Project Status Report")
  $"Not in Reclassify3 $document.fileName");

Questa procedura analizza il documento(variabile document) e lo classifica in base al valore di un attributo personalizzato. La classificazione implica l'aggiornamento di alcuni metadati e los spostamento a una cartella specifica calcolata in modo dinamico.