Ejemplos de Automatización

Search on Extended Attributes

# Retrieve a folder to search in
#set($folder = $FolderTool.findByPath('/Default/Emails'))

# Retrieve the template by it's name
#set($templateDao = $ContextTool.getBean('TemplateDAO'))
#set($template = $templateDao.findByName('email', $folder.tenantId))

# Prepare the list of search criteria
#set($criteria = [])

# Prepare the condition on the root folder
#set($criterion = $ClassTool.newInstance("enterprise.search.Criterion"))

# Prepare the condition on the extended attribute sendername
#set($criterion = $ClassTool.newInstance("enterprise.search.Criterion"))

# Instantiate the search options
#set($options = $ClassTool.newInstance("enterprise.search.ParametricSearchOptions"))

# Define the template we want to use

# Put all the criteria

# Get the ParametricSearch object and execute the search
#set($searchFactory = $ClassTool.newInstance("enterprise.search.ParametricSearch"))
#set($search = $searchFactory.get($options))
$log.info("Search $search");

# Search and iterate over the results  
#set($hits = $search.search())
#foreach($hit in $hits)
  $log.info("Hit: $hit.fileName");

Este procedimiento busca todos aquellos documentos dentro de la carpeta /Default/Emails que son correos electrónicos y el atributo sendername contiene john.