Sample Automation Scripts

Splits paychecks and sends them by email to employees

# split the big payolls pdf in segments of two pages
#set( $paychecks = $SplitTool.splitSelection($, '1-2,3-4,5-6,7-8', 'admin'))

# iterate over the segments, each segment is the paycheck of a single employee
#foreach( $paycheck in $paychecks )
  # parse the segment body and save it in the paycheckBody variable
  #set( $paycheckBody  =  $ContextTool.getBean('DocumentManager').parseDocument($paycheck, null) )
  # inspect the body of the segment to understand what is the employee
  # in order to rename the segment file and define the email to send the paycheck to 
  #if($paycheckBody.toUpperCase().contains("JOHN DOE") )
     #set( $newname = $document.title + "-john.pdf")
     #set( $recipient = "john[at]")
  #elseif($paycheckBody.toUpperCase().contains("MARIO ROSSI")  )
     #set( $newname = $document.title + "-mario.pdf")
     #set( $recipient = "mario[at]")
  #elseif( $paycheckBody.toUpperCase().contains("ELENA BORGHI") )
     #set( $newname = $document.title + "-elena.pdf")
     #set( $recipient = "elena[at]")
  #elseif( $paycheckBody.toUpperCase().contains("ALDO MORO") )
     #set( $newname = $document.title + "-aldo.pdf")
     #set( $recipient = "aldo[at]")

 # rename the current segment(the user's paycheck pdf)

 # notify the employee sending him his paycheck document
 $MailTool.sendDocument($paycheck, null, $recipient, "Acme Paycheck", "Dear employee, please find your new paycheck in attachment of this email.

Remember to save it in your records

Best Regards
Acme paycheck department"); #end

This script works on the currently selected document referenced by the variable document that is considered a big PDF containing all the paychecks of a months.

The document is splitted in segments of two pages each segment is saved as a single payroll PDF and it's content is inspected to discover what is the employee the payroll belongs to in order to send it to him by email.